Monday, February 17, 2014

I am so ready for Spring!

OK, we've had the snow...we've had the cold ...we've had the wind. Let's get on with a warm and sunny spring. I'm a wishful thinker aren't I?!  Here in the Pacific Northwest spring comes fairly early, at least temperature-wise, although the skies are still gray and drippy with cool misty rains.

The first week of February my yellow species crocuses are in bloom but very little else. Each week a different color of crocus pop into bloom... first the purple, then white and finally the purple-striped.  Winter-blooming Sarcococca with its barely noticeable white flowers has started scenting the air - the fragrance is always a mystery to my neighbors who don't recognize the source.

Just when I'm ready to give up hope of warm weather along comes the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, the second largest flower show in the U.S. And a grand affair it is!

A full acre of show gardens created by the most respected garden designers and landscapers of the region are designed to inspire and excite the most jaded gardener. The show is renowned for offering the largest number of free horticulture seminars of any garden show in the world.  Plus there are over 300 vendors and exhibitors in the Marketplace area of the show. I always come away feeling refreshed and loaded with lots of great inspirational ideas. Of course you know I look at the goodies in the Marketplace and think..."Now how could I do that at home?"

Trends in gardening this year? Orchids are still very popular with an ever expanding choice of colors, sizes and types. From the diminutive Aerangis punctata to the show stopping Grammatophyllum scriptum orchids give you lots of bang for the buck.  Andy's Orchids (  offered a wide variety of orchids mounted on hanging bark and growing as they would in nature. Just lovely!
Dendrobium loddigessii mounted on wood

Grammatophyllum scriptum
I love the look of mounted orchids and want to try one myself. Are you feeling inspired? Check out the  link How to mount an Orchid for instructions and an excellent website on Orchid care.
I can't wait to get started.

Tomorrow's post - Air Plants and more from the Flower and Garden Show.

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